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Updates and Announcements

19-03: Mortgage Insurance Coverage & Lock Policy

By February 15, 2019No Comments

Subject: Mortgage Insurance Coverage

CBC Mortgage Agency is currently not approved with Radian for the Mortgage Insurance coverage. If you have questions about which MI companies, we are currently approved to work with please reach out to the Account Executive assigned to your company or email

Subject: Lock Policy

CBC Mortgage would like to remind all our correspondents of our current lock policy. This policy states that if a lock expires before good delivery that the loan will be subject to worst case pricing and a .375 reinstatement fee to relock the loan and bring it current.

If a loan was allowed to expire before delivery and the loan is subsequently purchased by us we will use worst case pricing on the purchase advice (which may or may not match the lock confirmation).

If a loan is expired or cancelled for 30 days or more you may relock the loan at current day pricing with no fee.

Current Lock Policy: Here